Case Studies

Our growing collection of case studies provide strategies and insights into some of Alchemy’s most successful campaigns and initiatives with clients across nearly every industry.

Case Study: Calgary Pride
Alchemy Communications Inc. Alchemy Communications Inc.

Case Study: Calgary Pride

Corporate sponsorships are critical to sustaining nonprofit organizations and charitable events, but it’s not enough to simply sell your mission. Sponsorship is a business deal, not a donation. To attract corporate interest, you must present the business benefits, convey your unique value when compared to similar events or causes, and price and present your sponsorship inventory with conviction.

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Case Study: Post-Secondary Institution
Alchemy Communications Inc. Alchemy Communications Inc.

Case Study: Post-Secondary Institution

A leading Canadian post-secondary institution faced significant budgetary constraints with long-term implications for operating and capital expenses along with general revenues and reserves. This organization was seeking to bolster its communications activities and communicate more effectively with its external stakeholders in light of a substantive reduction in its workforce. Like most academic institutions, this organization had a decentralized approach to communications. It required a solution where their communications could be streamlined, communications processes could be refined, and strategic and operational efforts of the organization could be improved upon despite its financial uncertainty and human resource capital decline.

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