It's not a matter of if a crisis will occur, but when.

Do you have the skills to deal with public and media scrutiny?

Alchemy Communications offers Crisis & Reputation Management Services to support you.


Crisis Communications

Discover how Alchemy Communications can help you prepare for and manage a crisis with our powerful and all-encompassing crisis communications services. Our services include:

  • Thorough review of your crisis protocols and guidelines to ensure they are up to date and effective

  • Development of key messages and holding statements to ensure you communicate effectively during a crisis

  • Comprehensive media and spokesperson training to help you communicate under pressure

  • Assessment of your advertising strategy and recommendations to ensure you're prepared for any crisis

  • Budget recommendations to help you manage the financial impact of a crisis

With Alchemy Communications by your side, you'll have the support you need to face any crisis with confidence. Whether you're dealing with an immediate crisis or want to be prepared for the unexpected, our team is ready to guide you forward with our expert crisis communications services.

Crisis Communications Media Training

Get your team media-ready with Alchemy Communications' powerful Crisis Communications Media Training. Our program includes:

  • In-depth review of the current media climate and opportunities to help your team stay up to date with the latest media trends

  • Rigorous interview preparation and practice to help your team communicate effectively under pressure

  • Real-life simulation with our Media Kits and Scenario Kits to help your team navigate crisis situations with confidence

  • Instructive crisis communications case studies to learn from past strategies and avoid common mistakes

Our expert trainers offer personalized coaching and guidance to ensure your team is equipped to handle any media attention with ease. With Alchemy Communications' Crisis Communications Media Training, your team will be well-prepared to communicate your message in a clear, honest, and positive voice, even in the face of media scrutiny.


Stakeholder Engagement Training

Transform your executive team's communication skills with Alchemy Communications' Stakeholder Engagement Training. Our program includes:

  • A 2-hour discovery session customized to your industry or sector, so we can tailor the training to your specific needs

  • A 3-hour training session covering techniques for managing conversations with differing opinions, high stakes, and strong emotions, so your team can communicate with confidence

  • Instruction on creating conditions for open dialogue with stakeholders, helping your team build stronger relationships

  • Tools for prioritizing honesty and respect in difficult conversations, so your team can communicate with integrity

  • Case studies of conversations relevant to your team, providing real-world examples to help your team learn from past experiences

  • Emphasis on accountability and taking responsibility, helping your team foster a culture of ownership and growth

  • Negotiating tools for high-yield conversations and reaching successful outcomes, giving your team the skills to drive successful outcomes even in challenging situations.

With Alchemy Communications' Stakeholder Engagement Training, your executive team will be well-equipped to handle any conversation or situation with confidence, professionalism, and success.

Post-Crisis Communications Debriefs

Take control of your crisis communications strategy with Alchemy Communications' powerful Post-Crisis Communications Debriefs. Our services include:

  • A discovery session with stakeholders to gather information and insights on the timeline of events during the crisis, providing you with a comprehensive understanding of what went right and what went wrong

  • In-depth analysis of the incident response results to identify strengths and weaknesses in your crisis communications strategy, so you can learn from past mistakes and improve your future response

  • Development of alternate scenarios, processes, and strategies to improve your preparedness for future crises, ensuring you're always one step ahead

  • A final report that includes a crisis communications strategy tailored to similar incidents, helping you navigate future crises with confidence.

At Alchemy Communications, we know that the best way to prepare for future crises is to learn from the past. Our Post-Crisis Communications Debriefs offer you the opportunity to reflect, learn, and grow from your crisis experience, so you can emerge stronger and more resilient than ever before.

On-Call Crisis Communications Services

Don't let a crisis catch you off guard. With Alchemy Communications' On-Call Crisis Communications Services, you'll have an expert on your side 24/7 to help you navigate any crisis with confidence. Our services include:

  • A comprehensive crisis communications plan, including timelines for communicating with stakeholders, contact information for key media contacts, and templates for press releases, social media releases, and internal and external messaging

  • 24-hour on-call support for any level of crisis that may occur, so you can rest assured that you'll have expert guidance whenever you need it

  • Up to 5 hours of communications service per month, providing ongoing support to help you stay prepared for any crisis that may arise

  • A post-incident debrief to evaluate the effectiveness of the response, helping you identify areas for improvement and adjust your crisis communications plan accordingly.

At Alchemy Communications, we understand that the stakes are high in a crisis, and that's why we're committed to providing you with the expert support you need to protect your brand, your reputation, and your bottom line. With our On-Call Crisis Communications Services, you can be confident that you're prepared to navigate any crisis that comes your way.

Don't wait until a crisis hits your company. Take proactive steps to protect your business by contacting Alchemy Communications today. We offer comprehensive crisis communications services to help you prepare for and manage any unexpected challenges that may arise.